欣赏一组克罗地亚摄影师 Sandro Puncet 的作品,他拍摄的照片以捕捉令人震惊的天气异象见长。
Sunset rainbow in Mali Lopšin, Croatia, Jan 6th 2021.
City of Lošinj, Croatia on Sept 23rd, 2020.
Explosive storm clouds illuminated by lightning, taken in Losinj, Croatia on Nov 8th, 2019
A fine rainbow with anti-crepuscular rays over Losinj, Croatia yesterday, Nov 6th 2019.
Photographer Vilson Berisha and the big shelf cloud over Cres Island, NW Croatia on September 8th 2019.
Big waterspout off Lošinj Island, Croatia yesterday, September 7th 2019.
A monster shelf cloud over Cres, Croatia on Aug 2nd 2019.
Spectacular shelf cloud near Lošinj Island, NW Croatia on April 28 2019.
Waterspout at sea Location: Island Lošinj, Croatia.